Tree of Generosity: Holiday Party
12/17/2024 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM ET
- Free - Nonprofit
- Free - Donor
ECF + NPP Campus
609 Walnut St
Erie, PA 16502
Room Number: Training Room + Barn
609 Walnut St
Erie, PA 16502
Room Number: Training Room + Barn
Please join us for a Holiday Party on December 17 from 4-6 PM!
In addition to our Holiday Party, we are hosting the Tree of Generosity initiative. Nonprofits must submit their holiday wish list by November 15th. Donors may select a nonprofit's wish list ornament beginning November 18th by visiting our office at 609 Walnut St, Erie, PA 16502, during regular business hours, or by visiting the website. Participating nonprofits and donors are invited to join us at the Holiday Party for gift giving, hot chocolate, beverages, light appetizers, and desserts.
All members nonprofits are welcome to attend the party, even if you did not submit a wish list or receive donations.
RSVP is required for ALL attendees.